The Pine Club Stewed Tomatoes 3-Pack | Dorothy Lane Market

The Pine Club Stewed Tomatoes 3-Pack

The Pine Club Stewed Tomatoes 3-Pack



3 jars
A Dayton Classic

An iconic restaurant in Dayton, Ohio, The Pine Club is known for their unrivaled steaks along with some key sides and sauces on the menu, including The Pine Club Stewed Tomatoes. Enjoy this classic side dish from the comfort of your home alongside your favorite steak, or mixed into stews and chili.

This 3-pack gift will keep your Dayton cravings satisfied!



Average Customer Rating:

Aug 8th
Verified Purchase

- Shawn

Jul 6th 2023
Verified Purchase

- Jason

Feb 3rd 2023
Verified Purchase

I've liked the Pine Club Stewed Tomatoes when I lived in Dayton and am overjoyed that I can order this online since I now live in Michigan.

- Deborah

Sep 30th 2022
Verified Purchase

Always pairs nicely with a steak dinner. Reminiscent of a classic steakhouse

- Andrea

Dorothy Lane Market says:

Exactly! Thank you Andrea for the order and the review. 

Apr 20th 2022
Verified Purchase

- Steve

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